søndag 2. november 2008


Med kun et vindu i stua blir det kamp om plassen nå i vinter. har laget en hylle og tatt inn pelargonia til overvintring. De skal få stå her så lenge de blomstrer, etterpå må de nok i kjelleren en tur.

  september 08 005 september 08 004

                                                                       Utsikt fra veranda i november
september 08 007 september 08 008
De over her fikk ikke komme inn desverre.

22 kommentarer:

heidi sa...

Det er jo bare så trivelig med vinduer som er fylt opp med planter. Kan ikke finere bli!

Elisabeth sa...

Så koselige vinduer, pelargoner prynter jo opp overalt ;)

Anonym sa...

Hi Signe, your veranda is quite lovely. The geraniums are so colorful and cheering.


Signe sa...

Takk til dere alle for kommentarer.

Thank you all for the comments.

Susie sa...

Hi Signe, You have a great blog here. The pictures on your sidebar are quite lovely. Heliotrope is one of my favorite flowers.

Thanks for visiting my site.

Marie sa...

Takk for kommentar på Blotanical! Det er ikkje så ofte eg er inne der for tida, eg har hatt travle dagar dei siste månadane. Kjekt å sjå bloggen din, du er visst like hagegal som meg du :)

Ha ein finfin kveld :)

Signe sa...

Ja hagegal er jeg nok, og nokså frøgal :))

Det er utrolig hvor mye man kan få plass til på en liten veranda.

Zoë sa...

Thanks! But I am British living in the UK!

Thought I would wave the Stars and Stripes anyway though!

Signe sa...

My mistake. Because of the picture I was sure I was reading an american blog :))

Kerri sa...

I love that sunny window! The extra shelf is a great idea.
You have some beautiful plants in your garden. I don't have much luck getting heliotrope to bloom well. Yours looks gorgeous!
Thanks for visiting and saying hello :)

Anne på Moseplassen sa...

heisann, så flott liten minihage :D
Det er jo ikke størrelsen det kommer ann på bestandig ;)

Anonym sa...

Det vinduet ditt er virkelig flott!

Anonym sa...

I'm trying to overwinter some geraniums but not having much luck. It's because I don't have them in the sun. I need to remove the dirt from the roots and just hang them upside down in the cellar.

Love your blog and your garden is beautiful. That Heliotrop smells so good doesn't it?

ChrisND sa...

Hi - thanks for commenting about my blog in Blotanical.

My aunts always have geraniums in almost every window sill. This year I did not take mine inside...so next year I will start a new one maybe - they are nice plants.

Anonym sa...

I lived in Amsterdam for three years and always loved that the Dutch kept cheerful red geraniums in their windows (between white lace curtains) to brighten those dark, cold winter days. I have some pelargonium I was thinking of bringing in this year. I always end up letting them die and replacing them each spring. Why?
I'm interested in the comment above, suggesting removing the dirt and letting them hang upside down all winter. Does that work??? Wow. So much to learn!

Signe sa...

I think that if you remove all the dirt, an hang them upside down, it will be to dry. But why not try it whit a few, to se if they survive.

Geraniums dont have to stay in the sun, they can be puting somwere cold (not frosty) and dark for the wintermonths.

Thanks for all comments.

Anonym sa...

Although I can't read the words, Signe, your photos truly tell their story. Just beautiful.~~Dee

Thusnelda sa...

Hei ! Blei nyskjerrig på The Fairy og måtte innom bloggen din. Ser ut som du trenger ein STOR hage. vil følge med å sjå på det. gleder meg.

Signe sa...

Ja jeg trenger nok en stor hage. Enn så lenge så har jeg en parsell som jeg kan leke meg på i tillegg til min lille hage. Det hjelper godt på.

sabbaar sa...

Every thing here are beautiful .. really great ... nice .. lovely

vermontflowerfarm@outlook.com sa...

Hello Signe;

When I see geraniums on a windowsill I immediately flash back to age 5 when my dad moved us from outside of New York City to rural Vermont. The century old farm next door had two old sisters who taught me a lot about gardening. Each fall they would bring geraniums from the garden inside and plant them in old coffee cans, all lined up on the window sills. Their mother, Eunice, in her 90s at the time, would tend to them all winter with manure tea and much attention. They were beauties and probably included some varieties we don't see much any more.

Best gardening wishes!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener

Anonym sa...

It must be difficult having to bring all your plants in over winter. Do they get enough light to survive inside?